The Church Council comprises members of our congregation who are invited to serve by the Nominations Team. The Council consists of nine elected individuals that serve 3-year terms as well as the Chair, Lay Leader, Member to Annual Conference, and Pastor. These individuals are officially given the authority to lead the congregation at our annual Church/Charge Conference.
The work of the Council is to envision, plan and implement, be stewards of financial resources, support mission work areas & teams, and annually evaluate our congregation’s ministry and mission. Each month, our ministry teams submit reports to the council for accountability and celebration of their work.
Want to know more about this meeting? Please attend!
The Church Council meetings are open to anyone. They are on the third Sunday of each month at 11:00 a.m. in the Filling Station. We encourage you to come whenever you can.
Click the button below to view the month’s Church Council packet, including the agenda.