We exist to share God's love by following Jesus!

About Us


Our Mission

We exist to share God’s love by following Jesus!


Our Vision

Use our hands and feet in relevant service; accepting and helping everyone to grow in faith, love, and understanding of Jesus the Christ.


Our Core Values







Welcome to First United Methodist Church. We are a vibrant congregation gathering for worship then going out to serve in the community and beyond. Here you will find worship, fellowship, spiritual growth and service to others.

With a membership of all ages and faith stages, First United Methodist Church is an inter-generational church with a place for all God’s people. We cheerfully welcome children, families, youth, singles persons and everyone else to worship with us each Sunday.

Whether you are looking for a church home or just visiting for the first time, we hope you will worship with us. This is a great place to be and a great place to experience God’s presence.

Living out God's Love